Inizio a tradurre WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO di Bilderback

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Articolo letto 3785 volte!

Inizio traduzione di WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO di Michael Bilderback, palesemente ispirata ad una hit degli Wham! del anni ’80 (materia mia!), indimenticabile.
Ve la posto qui sotto.

Ecco la trama in inglese:

53f7b955a44ed_u-go-go-a-justice-security-novel_Wake_Me_Up_Before_You_Go-Go_CoverWake Me Up Before You Go-Go – A Justice Security Novel by T. M. Bilderback

The new nightclub in town is a trap for Justice Security, set by their mortal enemy, Esteban Fernandez.


The newest, hottest nightclub in the city has hired Justice Security to protect its patrons from danger. Each night that the club is open, it has a rotating force of four grunts and two plainclothes personnel circulating through the paying customers, just as the manager has asked Justice Security to do.

Tonight, Joey Justice and Misty Wilhite have turned up in the rotation, along with up-and-comers Brandon King and Patty Ferguson. As Joey and Misty arrive, Joey goes inside, and Misty returns to the car for a forgotten item. While at the car, Misty sees the club taken over by a large force of armed men, and the exits sealed.

Inside, the true owner of the club is revealed as Justice Security’s mortal enemy, the Mexican drug cartel leader Esteban Fernandez, who, by telephone, threatens to kill the club patrons unless Joey gives himself up and brings Misty inside.

On another front, while almost all available personnel are at the club, a killer is loose inside the almost-deserted Justice Security building. This killer is silent, quick, and extremely slippery. Jessica Queen, one of Justice Security’s newest partners, has a skeleton crew in the locked-down building, and must find the killer…or be killed in the process.

Trapped inside the club with several hundred innocent people during a deadly cat-and-mouse game, Joey and his four grunts do their best to keep everyone safe and not get caught. With time running out, at least one member of the Justice Security team makes the ultimate sacrifice…but, can they save everyone? And could the two attacks be related?

Inspired by the hit song, and taut with suspense, Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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